Distribution and Copyright notice Distribution: You may copy and distribute the unregistered program as long as the following four files are included: - Grades (The program) - Data (The Data Structure) - Read me First (Important information) - Grades.doc (Manual) Disclaimer: WHEREAS, Rodus International Corp. and Otto Krauth herein referred to as "The Author" disclaims: "Grades" is provided 'as is'. The Author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied. The Author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of "Grades" Legal notice: END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT: Copyright This manual and the software described in it are copyrighted with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual or the software may not be copied in whole or part, without the written consent of Otto Krauth , Rodus International Corp. except in the normal use of the software itself or to make a backup copy. The same proprietary and copyright notices must be affixed to any permitted copies as were affixed to the original. This exception does not allow copies to be made for others, whether or not sold, but all of the material purchased may be sold, given, or loaned to another person. You may use the software on any computer, but extra copies cannot be made for this purpose. Under the law, copying includes translating into another language or format. Otto Krauth Rodus International Corp. 5712 Owl Court North Vancouver, BC, V7R 4V6 Canada © Copyright 1994-96 Rodus International Corp. © Copyright in part 1994-96 Software Technologies Inc.